Construction Safety Week started in 2014 when more than 40 national and global construction firms worked together to inspire everyone in the industry to be leaders in safety. The mission of Safety Week is to:
• Thank workers for their commitment to safety
• Increase awareness of the importance of a daily safety commitment
• Encourage the sharing of best practices to strengthen the industry’s safety culture
• Support safety awareness and education through onsite activities
As one of the founding firms, Boh Bros. has participated in Construction Safety Week for nine (9) consecutive years. This year, Boh Bros. introduced their version of the STCKY (Sh!t That Can Kill You) concept, which is based on a program originally developed and shared by Sundt Construction.
The STCKY concept challenges crews to See, Show Me, and Stop the STCKY situations on our project sites. Ten (10) Lifesaving Choice Categories representing our high-risk tasks were identified by Boh Bros. craft workers and supervisors. The Lifesaving Choice Categories are represented graphically on a wheel and serve as a tool to assist in discussions about STCKY.
Safety Week activities included daily management-led safety talks, craft-lead safety demonstrations, joint management and craft safety inspections of project sites, and an appreciation breakfast on Friday. Our Annual Hazard Hunt was replaced by the STCKY Challenge – where foremen lead their crews to identify STCKY situations on their project site. Teams submitted narratives of their findings and these narratives were judged to determine departmental winners. The departmental winners then competed for the coveted Ron Brylski Memorial STCKY Trophy.
Congratulations to all STCKY Challenge winners and a huge thank you to all STCKY Challenge participants. A special congratulations to the Ron Brylski Memorial STCKY Trophy recipients:
• Andrew Hendrickson
• Christian Bremermann
• Darren Torres
• Donterrieaux Bell
• Doug Dovie
• Dustin Fite
• Eric Crowe
• Jason Guhman
• Leonard Fields
• Matthew Maronge
• Todd Burton
• Tony McCallef
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