Moving Target: Unreliable ‘as-builts’ require a malleable approach to Metairie Causeway overpass repair There were no easy answers during the recent refurbishment of an aging Causeway Boulevard overpass in Metairie. The elevated structure and associated ramps spanning...
For more than ten years, Boh Bros. has been a participant in two initiatives that seek to improve safety and ethical behavior in the construction industry. Through active participation in both, our company has contributed to making our industry better while using what...
All of us at Boh Bros. were saddened by the passing of Dale Biggers, P.E., a prominent figure at Boh Bros. for more than 50 years. Dale spent 33 years as a project manager completing hundreds of projects, including piles for the Superdome and the Aquarium. In 2001, he...
The intense heat generated by a September tractor-trailer rig accident and fire on I-10 eastbound into New Orleans had spalled and cracked the elevated span’s concrete superstructure, and LADOTD needed a quick fix. While the span’s girders still provided sufficient...
It was nothing but a colossal debris field when the Boh Bros. team first arrived on site to start Surge Debris Removal. Hurricane Ida’s 15-foot storm surge had piled up 4-6′ of odorous marsh mud and grass around the Louisiana Offshore Oil Port (LOOP) facility...
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